Unexpected bills? Car trouble? Your little stuntman broke his glasses and needs a new pair? Whatever the reason why you need urgent cash, we can help. If you have a bad credit, don't worry. Get a short-term loan fast online and pay back within the next 90 days.
Loan amount
*Only available for renewal
Payment frequency
Amount of payment
Request your loan online or by phone. We don’t need any paper documents.
If your request is approved before 2:15 p.m. EST (business days), you get the money on the same day.
You don’t have to leave home and this is confidential.
With 24Cash.ca, your first online cash loan is $500. Your first renewal can be up to $600, your second up to $750, and the third up to $850. If you borrowed $500 or $600, you have 90 to 120 days to pay us back. If you borrowed $700, $750 or $850, you have 120 days to pay us back.
Need help filling out the form? Contact us: 1-866-646-4769
Consult our Frequently asked questions page and learn everything you need to know about short-term loans online and microcredit.
For our contact information and business hours, check out our Contact page.